what stands out to me most is the changing sentiment against the ltte by the Tamils themselves - i am being highly presumptuous in interpreting certain names. The overwhelming angst against the ltte is quite substantial.
I guess this gets to people in two fundamental ways:
- touching their own wallets (or the possibility to be robbed) in their own neighbourhood to fund a war they are not involved with. No one likes getting robbed but getting robbed for a cause far away i.e. not even supporting the local economy is even worse.
- the more frightening - credit card fraud. this itself is getting even scarier. most people (of a certain income level) in most locations around the world now carry a credit or debit card. for the vast majority of transactions in the UK i would probably use a credit card - buying a tube ticket, paying for groceries, shopping, dining out, hotels etc. we are constantly on the vigil against on-line credit card fraud but when it happens at the petrol station - then it becomes real. you can see it, you may know the guy who stole from you, did he have access to all of your credit - it is really scary.
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